Best Practices to Increase Conversion Rates for Revenue

As a website owner, you surely want more traffic and more conversion rate to your site, right? Of course, this is the ultimate goal of any site owner because getting more traffic means more conversion rate. But hold on a second here! What if your entire traffic doesn’t convert into sales, content download, or sign …

Marketing Automation: Pros and Cons

The marketing department is an integral part of a company and without it, monetization and branding can never take place. Thus, one needs to take the importance of marketing automation seriously. Marketing automation not only makes you work significantly less but has other benefits as well. Let’s take a look at the marketing automation benefits. …

Social Media Reach With an Organic Growth Strategy

Social media marketing can truly be friendly for you if you have a planned out strategy for it. Moreover, organic social media reach is important for the advancement of strategy and marketing. This is a small list of the way you can increase organic social media reach for your business or your website accordingly. How …

Benefits, Importance, and Usage of Long Term Keyword

Recently Long-Tail Keywords have found their home in the section of SEO. And from that time it is not leaving because it has become an important aspect and practice of SEO. There is a long list of Long-Tail Keyword benefits that suits the need for everyone.  But let’s start with the Long-Tail keyword meaning and …

Is Backlink Quality more Important than Backlink Quantity?

Backlinks will never go out of fashion for the content on Google at least. You cannot ignore backlinks to your site on Google. But now the question of the difference between backlink quality and quantity arises and which is favorable. Thus, here is a small guide to backlink quality vs quantity that will help you …

What will be the Expectations of Digital Marketing in 2021?

Think of Digital Marketing as a source of the marketplace that changes every day. And digital marketing is influenced by every change in the search engine. Digital Marketing in 2021 will be very different than now of all times. The changes that happened this year took the internet by storm.  The digital market was hit …

Search Engine Marketing in 2021: Trends and Strategy

This year has been a pivotal change in the course of Search Engine Marketing. The major changes in the Google algorithm made SEM an important part of the strategy. Either in the field of Paid marketing or in the field of SEO, all is already covered with SEM. you need to think about the strategy …

How to Use Schema Markup Testing Tool to Make Google Search Impressions?

What is Schema Markup? On June 2, 2011, significant search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing collaborated and launched or popularly called the Schema markup testing tool. It is invented to provide the most relevant content to users. Schema markup is a code on your website which helps the search engines to recognize and understand …

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