Best Practices to Increase Conversion Rates for Revenue


As a website owner, you surely want more traffic and more conversion rate to your site, right? Of course, this is the ultimate goal of any site owner because getting more traffic means more conversion rate. But hold on a second here! What if your entire traffic doesn’t convert into sales, content download, or sign up to emails? Now suppose, you are getting a tremendous amount of traffic to your site but how will you convert that traffic into revenue? With the help of conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Here are some of the tips to get your conversion rates stats up

  • Add a pop-up to your site

According to a study by Sumo, the average conversion rate for all pop-ups is 3.09 per cent. However, if you do it the right way, you can reach the top 10 per cent of pop-ups which average a 9.28 per cent conversion rate.

This one change will catapult your conversion rate. And it works on every site.

Here are some quick tips for getting the highest conversion rate from them:

  • Try several offers (PDFs, premium content, different products, other free stuff) until you find a winner that you can feel right away
  • But a 30-second delay timer on the pop-up, keeps them from being annoying
  • Make it easy to close the pop-up
  • Set a cookie so the pop-up only appears once per user. Most pop-up tools allow you to do this
  • Remove unnecessary form fields

Have you ever had the intention of filling out an online form, just to be scared away by too many required fields?

It’s one of the best ways to kill your conversion rate. Remove all unnecessary form fields, leaving only those that are essential to accomplishing your goal.

Back during my KISSmetrics days, we did a bunch of A/B testing on form fields within our signup form.

For each form field that we removed, signups grew by about 10%.

  • Add live chat to your site

Many visitors want to buy your service but are on the fence.

They have a lingering doubt or question that keeps them from taking that last step.

Live chat tools are perfect for helping these folks.

Just like a pop-up, live chat tools are easy to add to any site and have an immediate boost to your versions.

  • Try another offer

Don’t pay so much attention to your landing page design, copy, and related factors that you overlook the importance of choosing the right offer. 

This has one of the biggest impacts on conversion rate, as your offer must be appealing to your market. 

If your conversion rate is on the low side, cycle through different offers until you find something that clicks with your audience. 

It may not be the first, second, or even third offer that resonates with your market. But if you continue to experiment and track your results, you’ll eventually find a winner. 

  • Offer a money-back guarantee

As marketers and business owners, we know consumers avoid risk. They don’t want to put their money at stake unless they’re reasonably sure they’ll get what they paid for.

A money-back guarantee helps assuage fears and move past objections.


One of the most definite tips for getting the highest conversion rates for your website is to get yourself all in. CRO is one area that needs discipline to work with and patience for the results. And at the same time being ready with the exit plan as well. Think before your throw in all the resources in there.

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