How can podcasting Boost your content marketing campaign? Tips for creating a podcast marketing strategy

According to PwC’s Global Entertainment and Media Outlook report, India is the third-largest consumer of podcasts with 57.6 million monthly listeners. However, podcasting for business and marketing has only begun to gain traction as a strong content marketing strategy. But with the upsurge in the consumption of podcasts, including them in your marketing campaign is highly beneficial.

How can podcasting boost your content marketing campaign? 
  • Listeners are increasing

RedSeer consulting says India had 71 million active users in 2020, which increased to 95 million in 2021, showing a 34 percent increase. As per its analysis, the total time India spent on entertainment in Oct’21 was around 2290 billion minutes, in which podcasts accounted for 2.5 billion minutes.

It is clear from the above studies that the use of podcasts is increasing with passing time, and it is one of the best reasons to include podcasting in your content marketing strategy.

  • It is cost-efficient

In the Golden Age of Radio, expensive equipment and exclusive studio were needed, but the modern age is saved from it. For a newbie podcaster, the basic requirement is,

    • Computer/laptop
    • A quality microphone 
    • Headphones 
    • Reliable recording software

However, you can add many more things to the list, but you can always upgrade it later.

  • Build your brand in less competition

Other content marketing platforms like social media and blogs are crowded, and succeeding through those mediums is getting difficult each passing day. However, podcasts have only started to gain momentum, and it is the right time and the right place to start marketing. Moreover, with a good podcasting content strategy, any podcast can thrive.

  • Audio content is well-suited for multitasking

Blog posts, social media posts, and emails require the audience’s undivided attention, which means they cannot do any other work while reading a blog or watching a video. Moreover, decreased attention span puts those marketing mediums in a darker light. 

On the contrary, a podcast is much more convenient as it allows people to listen to the audio while jogging, cooking, and commuting. 

    • 80% of listeners tune in to their favorite podcast channel while traveling to and from work. (Discover pods- Podcast trends report)
    • 69% of people consume podcasts doing their housework. (Discover pods- Podcast trends report)
  • It can be converted into a blog

When planning a podcast, you must take notes, and it can be easily converted into a blog. Google cannot crawl audio content because they have fewer words, and you can turn a blog into a blog for your website.

  • It stimulates brand affinity and loyalty

As podcasters talk in a friendly manner, the audiences of podcasts are much loyal, and brand affinity is achieved by engaged audiences. A loyal fanbase is built by creating compelling and engaging content and producing consistently. Moreover, when audiences are engaged, they are more likely to connect with the brand on social media and websites that increases the business.

  • Format options

Depending on the type of your content and audiences’ requirements, podcasts provide a variety of formats like,

    • Storytelling 
    • Conversational
    • Monologue
    • Interviews
    • Theatrical
    • Roundtable

It does not end at producing a catchy and compelling podcast; podcasting brand strategy involves good marketing to reach better audiences and build a fanbase.

Tips for creating a podcast marketing strategy 
    • Know your listeners
    • Create quality content and engage your listeners
    • Follow a plan
    • Optimize for SEO
    • Use a moderate amount of advertisements
    • Provide call-to-action
    • Have guests on the show
    • Start email newsletter
    • Be a guest on other shows
    • Conduct giveaways
    • Promote on social media

Content marketing is no-more about only blog posts; people utilize different mediums and platforms for content marketing. Customers are consuming audio content more than ever, and it is essential to meet this paradigm shift with podcasting. Most importantly, podcasting can improve relations between producers and listeners.

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