Effective Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Your Results

We have all received an email that we marked as spam, immediately deleted or ignored it altogether. If this is happening to you. Email is a complex aspect of marketing. From list building to copywriting, the landscape keeps changing. 

In order to run a successful email marketing campaign, it is important that you stay current with the best email practices of the time. This article covers the most important email marketing tips, along with actionable advice that will help you implement them right now. 

  1. Get Personal 

Personalization is one of the most important aspects if you want to strive in Email Marketing. This does not mean addressing a subscriber by his name. There is more to personalization – 

    • Being Relevant
    • Sending timely emails
    • Anticipating your subscriber’s needs

If you want to master the technique of personalization in email marketing, you need to have a strategy for collecting relevant data from your customers. 

  • Use the “Double Opens Strategy”

Using the “Double Opens Strategy” will ensure that more subscribers open your emails. This means a better chance of driving more revenue from the email campaigns. 

Double Opens Strategy means resending the same mail to subscribers who did not open your first email, but with a different subject line. This step is important as 7 out of 10 people on your email list will not open your email for the first time. Resending the same mail with a better subject line will boost your open rates and email marketing ROI

However, before you send the same emails, pay attention to these things:

    • Optimize your preheater text
    • Pay attention to your send time
    • Create better subject lines to captivate the eyes of non-readers
    • Wait for 3-5 days before you resend the same email to non-openers

  • Use a cliffhanger in your subject line

The best way to get more people to open your emails is by engaging them. You can hook your email subscribers by your subject line and for curiosity, you can use a cliffhanger. A cliffhanger is used as an old-school copywriting technique that holds something back from the readers which ultimately drives them to know more. 

For example – 

A subject line from Orbitz, a travel fare aggregator website – “Woke up like this….”

From Trip Tribe – “The Secret to a Great Vacation….” 

Because an eclipse follows an incomplete subject line, people tend to open these mails. But make sure you do not overuse this technique as it will annoy your readers. 

  • Preheader needs the same attention as your subject line 

The more enticing and catchy your preheader text, the better open rates you will get. A well-crafted preview text that complements the subject line will increase the engagement rate to your mails.  

So, learn how to optimize your preheader text and subject lines. 

For example – Pottery Barn optimizes his preheader that compliments the subject line. 

Reminder – Your Preheder is as important as Subject line

  • Contextual CTA buttons

If your CTAs are not engaging enough, your campaigns could fall short. When crafting CTA for your mail, ask these questions to yourself – 

    • Is it easy to act on?
    • Is it descriptive?
    • Is it hard to miss?

For example – Blue Nile creates a CTA engaging enough that creates a strong sense of urgency that can help in driving action. The CTA button also gels well with the subject line and copy of the email.

  • Engagement is a Priority

Marketers usually use email with a short-term goal in mind, that is, to boost sales. Instead of going with this goal, you should focus on building a relationship with your subscribers.

People join your email list because they want to know more about your business, not because they want to buy products from you.

Always remember that engagement is the key to driving good returns from your email campaigns in the long run.

  • Keep the Subject Line Concise to Standout in Mobile

If you want to increase your email open rates, you should trim your subject lines!

This is because 51% of emails are opened on mobile devices these days. You don’t have much space to draw in your readers, so try to keep your subject lines concise and compelling that will make readers want to know more.

To keep your subject lines short, enticing, and captivating, use these tips:

    • Leverage the power of personalization
    • Use creativity
    • Use numbers, symbols, and emojis

For example – 

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