Hosting is something every site needs and you need to do some good research to get the one which is best for you. You will find a huge number of Hosting service providers but the fight of Cloudways vs GoDaddy is something you will find quite common now because of their competitive working.
Compare Cloudways vs GoDaddy for various grounds
Both of these Hosting service providers have something better than the other one but you will find a clear winner at the end of the articles for sure.
The deal of the winning is there not because of the name or advertisements but because of the better services they provide.
- Speed
The first thing that you want from a server is to get the speed going at your end as well as the audience. Thus, this the first criterion.
- Cloudways: From some of the reliable sources and articles a confirmation of amazing speed comes in. Cache plugin Breeze available on Cloudways CDN helps the site in reducing load time. Breeze also supports WordPress making the load time blazingly fast.
- GoDaddy: on the other hand GoDaddy tries to keep up with their good name in the market. With benchmarks coming in GoDaddy takes around 2.4sec to load in while Cloudways does it in 0.9 secs. Almost 250% faster than GoDaddy.
- Security
It has to be the security that concerns you the most after you think about the speed.
- Cloudways: Two-factor authentication allows the security to add extra barriers, Patch updates for the foreign account of vulnerable hits, easy SSL installation for security, and firewalls for malicious traffic.
- GoDaddy: for being a trusted service provider, GoDaddy provides high-security levels, hack repair and malware removal, that lets you get your server up and going if there is a hit by foreign and malicious content.
- Customer Support
You want to get yourself a server that allows you to easily connect with the customer support in times of crisis.
- Cloudways: with 24/7 customer support, live chats, ticket system and customer support numbers availability Cloudways always deliver the service that is required for the users at all costs. They never fail to support their customers at times of crisis.
- GoDaddy: with their previous reputation reduced they do give 24/7 customer support, but there is a lack for a ticket system as well as emails. They are not too curious to take your problems into their account.
- Prices and Usage
Last but not least is the check on the prices as well as their ease of use. That is very well a milestone that the servers need to take seriously.
- Cloudways: with a free trial for three days the starting plan starts with $10/Mo. Having a minimalist, and easy to use interface allows you to work with Cloudways easily. Though they don’t provide you with the free domain you get amazing plug-ins as well as you can even work it out though you are not a professional.
- GoDaddy: starts with the basic plan of $6.99/Mo and goes up to $251.64 for 3 yrs for WordPress optimized services. The interface is quite okay if you have the knowledge to lead into it. There are various grounds to look into and you need to have a good hold of it. It is not so easy to grasp onto it just from the start.
This is the comparison for cloud hosting services between Cloudways vs GoDaddy. If you ask me, then you should go with Cloudways.
Their optimization as well as affordability towards the complete unit is noteworthy. Moreover, the services they provide is just getting better and better day by day. You won’t get enough of it.
Though the last choice rests to you but don’t just attach yourself to the brand name anymore, explore the opportunities and compare the benchmarks well.