Everything You Need To Know How To Boost Up Event Attendance On Your Social Media Marketing


In order to maximize your social media marketing of the upcoming event in your company, all you need is to put all of your efforts on the posts. Bring up a strategy that is not only able to engage customers but also converts them. Here are some essential social media marketing tips to promote the event and drive in sales:

  • Depending upon the brand and target audience, some of the social platforms will be more effective than another one. If you are choosing Facebook, try messaging to specific groups using the option of paid promotions. Linkedin can be a great platform for B2B and industry network, as it’s a good choice for company news and event announcements. Twitter can be used for use in the event hashtags to build on the excitement during the event.
  • Come up with a quirky, short, easy-to-understand and unique hashtag and stick to it. If you are posting anything related to your event, don’t forget to use your hashtag. Remember to add it to all of your bios as well as promote it on all the communication channels like emails, print material, etc. During the event make your hashtag visible in bold letters that can easily catch the eyes of the audiences. 
  • Create sleek headers and thorough descriptions, also update the pages to include the upcoming events. Add the hashtag to the header, be consistent and be sure in following the size requirement for each network. Don’t forget to interlink your social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Maximize your promotion by adding images and space out discounts on the tickets. Make your content fun and engaging. Video and images engage more than plain copies. Always remember to include photos of happy attendees from past events. Also, you can create animated gifs or memes for the audience. 
  • Using social media tools, it’s very hard to choose from so many of them. Schedule more effectively, as you can’t be online for 24 hours a day, so using the tools can help you in planning, scheduling and organizing your posts. Also, curate and create different or diverse content. 
  • Promotion on social media is very important, therefore by just relying on an account’s spread won’t help, you will have to do something extra for sure. Organizing contests are a perfect way to motivate the audience without a huge investment. But here you’re gonna need a strategy to yield the most engagement without risking your event’s brand in the process.
  • Around 86% of marketers plan to use influencers. Building relationships with the known people in the industry who can talk on your event can help influence a lot of people to register. This can be a lot intimidating, hence it is a bit challenging to develop a strategy for that.
  • The easiest way to get in contact with the young generation is by using Snapchat. Being quite affordable for the advertiser, it has evolved drastically in the last few years. The advertiser can use the Geofilter by investing only one hour in making it and with less than $100 amount investment. Snapchat filter helps to engage a lot of attendees and spread word among the people very quickly.
  • Use short videos and live clips from the event like the sneak peeks to engage the viewers. Live videos can be extremely engaging, on Facebook, users spend around 3 times their time and comment more than 10 times when the video is live. Around 32% of people who watch the live video, they are expected to attend the same event in the upcoming time. These videos are very much cost-effective.
  • As you get a better response on social media, you need to resonate with your followers. Look out for more trends and repost your content to improve engagement rates. Refer to tools that can let you know how many sales are driven out on a specific post. Be sure to measure your Return of Investments to make sure that your spending is being paid off.

After using these social media marketing tips and tricks, the advertiser plus the brand can see drastic changes in their events and the audience responses on their social media account.

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