Gone are the days when you filled the blog with a huge number of Keywords or links and rank the top. Now it is all about the smart usage of the resources in hand. As content is still rolling in the primary section, there are some of the best practices for anchor text optimization that will get your ranks in line.
Optimizing anchor texts for SEO is an important practice for the content to rank up. Here are some of the SEO best practices to write anchor link text for your blog posts that will help you reach the zenith.
Anchor Text SEO practices
- Relevance and Context: Anchor texts aren’t just ‘links’ that you post everywhere you find the keyword similar. But they provide much-needed supporting data to the contextual element of the information. In other words, you need to understand if a certain anchor text is worth linking to the place you are keeping it.
You need to make it smooth enough so that people will see a need to know the information from it.
- The idea behind it: when you are linking an anchor text you need to create and introduce the readers to the idea that you want them to put effort to find out. You cannot just give them a piece of information that has nothing to do with your content nor is there any significance to it.
You want them to know the idea before so that as soon as they click on a link they are already familiar to the topic and what they want to find in it.
- Careful what you are linking: remember you want the audience to see credibility in the text you are writing. If they land in a place that is nothing but junk and spam they will never come back to your site.
You need to establish the credibility of the piece of information that you are providing as well as keep the linking safe so that you don’t fall on the bad books of Google.
- Variation to the links: the users does’ always want to land on a page that has exact same words as the Anchor text. SEO’s best practice to write anchor link text is to have a variation in line. Sometimes bring the brand from your company to line, sometimes have a naked link(https://example) to it. It gets the variation of the linking as well as provides a different outlook to the sourcing and readers.
- Don’t Overdo it: the last but not least is not to push the limits of having anchor text on your blog post. It is a black hat technique of SEO that leads nowhere but landing you off the Google SERPs. That way you will lose credibility and significance in the long run. And of the blog posts, you want to be there for a good amount of time.
These are some of the best practices for anchor text optimization that will help you to land on the top-ranking faster. An SEO Company tries to get the white hat technique of better linking network to get the push started and built on.
The structure of SEO has much to do with the Anchor Text SEO of your website. And if you are able to pull the right cards of linking then the web gets better from time to time. Optimizing anchor texts for SEO will soon become something that you want to take on for better rankings as well.