SEO has and will always be a deciding factor of the ranking. And if you want to handle the strategy for SEO as well as ranking then you need to create some SEO strategy which is Google Algorithm Update Resistant. Every year Google comes out with several updates and SEO changes with it.
You need to get your SEO strategy so sound that it can work even if the Google Algorithm updates roll out.
Google Algorithm Update Resistant SEO Strategy
The best way to secure the ranks is to get the trends as well as the basics in line for the blog posts.
- Love the Content and Content shall love you: much fancy but it is true. Content has always been a great way to work your way through the algorithm. Keywords and other solid primary segments can be embedded for the best. Moreover, you can create great linking and promotions with it. You can introduce and give information as well as retain your ranks on the grounds without any concern for the Algorithm updates.
Simply content is something that is least affected by the changes is Google updates. Now Google is completely focusing on the malfunctioning and fishy things. Content has been almost achieved maximum security whatsoever.
- Building the Network: backlinks and networking are something that has always been the main account of the SEO and will never be out of date. When you create links that lead people back to your own site for the best of the credibility you get to secure the ranks better.
Building links are something that you need to make a major practice for yourself so that you can have the assurance of the people and lead them to the actual piece of information that they need to know. It will not only keep you ahead on the game of Google algorithm update but work for the long term.
- Think about the future: the planning has to be blatantly about the future not the present in terms of content for the blogs. For you to create an SEO strategy that is Google Algorithm update resistant, you need to think about the potential areas of where there is a chance of change. Think about it and work with it. There are many ways that the SEO can support you
You need to make the SEO concerned about the rationality of the SERPs and you are good to go from the very start.
- Selecting the areas: SEO favors those who know what they are doing. In other work you should know where you have to focus your energy to get the SEO strategy you need. Branding, networking and content production are the three major areas of concern. If you need to have a Google Algorithm Update Resistant SEO Strategy, then you need the odd to turn towards you.
Here is a list of strategy subparts that you can get yourself so that your own strategy can work wonders for you even when Google changes their Algorithm and updates it for the better. Your SEO strategy will help you get through the times when other sites are thinking of venting out.