What are the ways to target the B2B audience using social media?

Business to business audience targeting allows the advertisers and their clients to engage in programmatic advertising by putting forward their digital ads in front of the viewers who are most likely to purchase their product. Consider an example of a company which sells washing machines and they want to increase their sales. The marketing team will target on the management level employees like hospitality and housing companies. Therefore in these prospects, money is spent on advertising to people outside the target audience. This allows the company to bid on the ads shown to the qualified leads. This B2B audience strategy helps in improving ROI for online ads. These companies stand in the market to benefit from the audience targeting solutions in the sales and marketing tools and aim to reach more qualified prospects at a lower cost to the business.

For B2B business, social media audience targeting can be a challenge for sure. It could be tricky to figure out where and how to find the audience. Listed below are some moves figured out for our B2B readers :

  • Job targeting on Facebook

In mid-2018, Facebook removed many of it’s targeting options across its network. But, Facebook brought it back in September with some improved and targeting options. The advertisers can now target employers, job titles, education, admins and field of study. One of the most useful features is the Job Title Targeting feature. This lets the advertiser choose from occupations like fishing to recruitment. Facebook even made recommendations and shows the audience sizes for specific fields chosen. Facebook now has 2.27 billion users, which can be a big pool of people to choose from for the advertiser.

  • Competitor Targeting on Twitter

In the area of B2B advertising, Twitter can be a tough cookie. This platform has a lot of limitations compared to Facebook. Whereas one plus point of it is that it lets you target your competitors’ followers. This is like a blessing on us that it does all the hard work and guesswork on its own for us. All we have to do is make sure that the competitor selected has a good following. This trick helps you to stick in the industry by being more specific in the field. Competitor targeting is a gold mine for the B2B Businesses, if you get it right, you can get some really valuable traffic and engagement.

  • Audience  on Linkedin

LinkedIn campaign manager has the easiest to use and advanced targeting options for B2B ads. One can target demographics and add additional qualifiers, making the target audience more specific. While at the start of the campaign, Start with selecting the location. Linkedin provides a range of areas like company, education, interests, etc. All of these options help the advertiser to narrow his choices. Linkedin does for B2B what Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest have all failed to do. It has helped the advertisers to form professional connections based on a specific goal. Therefore the understanding of these subsections is key to creating a perfect audience for your B2B ad.

  • Retarget Traffic on Facebook

The advertisers can use Facebook to retarget people who have gone through your content before also. Here are a few groups. You can retarget on Facebook:

Website visitors: In your Facebook retargeting like include the people who have been too specific landing pages on your site.

Facebook Page Likes: If someone has liked your business page, they are most likely to be familiar with your brand. Encourage them and put them under the retargeting list.

Engagement with your content: Make a targeting strategy for the people who have viewed your videos, visited your blog, etc. This feature can be used to create a dynamic ad to promote all your products and services.

Remember to optimize your campaign, play around with the budgets to see what is best for your business and never stop testing.

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