While creating a website, the most ignorant part, that possibly every one does is the speed of the website page, as it is very crucial for the users as well as for the search engines. Page speed means the time taken by the website to load completely, i.e. the amount of time a user has to wait to land on the website after clicking on the link of the website. Google, generally, penalized the websites which takes a lot of time to load. According to statistical data, 40% of people leave immediately if the websites take ages to load. Moreover, 80% of them won’t return ever to the slower website.
From the past ten years, as the businesses become aware of the opportunities available online, i.e. generating the targeted leads and enhancing the profit through SEO, the demand for the internet speed has increased. If your website has a good speed then it can bring you better organic results. Page speed plays an important role in leading generations and customer engagement.
Let’s read on to the major points on ‘why page speed has become a critical factor for SEO and also factors affecting your page speed and the ways you can maximize it’.
Why is Page Speed very important?
- SEO and Keyword Rankings
In the year 2010, Google made an announcement that it will take into account the page speed as a ranking factor. Since then, Google is constantly delivering the best onsite user experience. So, with this, page speed has become a crucial SEO factor. In case, if your website is taking a lot of time to load, then you might be at last position for generating organic results. As in front of page speed, your professionally designed website and the quality content won’t work and Google will penalize you for the page speed. On the other hand, if your website quickly loads the pages then this will ensure a rich user experience, less operating costs, better rankings, and conversions.
- User Experience
While creating a website, everyone thinks to attract more and more traffic, to generate leads but for this, websites need to have a positive user experience so that mostly leads can be transformed to conversion rates. To have a positive user experience the page speed should be fast, otherwise, the website will have a bad user experience, as a slow website can be taken as an unreliable site. This means the delay of one second in loading a page could cost the website a huge loss as users can’t wait longer and will leave your website.
- Lead Generation and Customer Engagement
The time taken by the website to load has more importance than your website design and quality content. As users have numerous choices available online and your slow page speed will make them land onto the next website and probably users will never come back to the slow website. An as slow website will lead to reducing the conversion rates and customer engagement. On the other hand, a fast website will ensure you more traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement and will generate a huge profit.
- Indication of Quality
It’s well said that ‘the first impression is the last impression’ and this is highly applicable on the page speed. For instance, if your website takes a lot of time to load, then this creates an impression in the mind of the user that the rest of the company follows the same suit. It’s maybe psychological that people find websites that load quickly are more professional and reliable.
These are the importance of page speed. In order to grab more information regarding the page speed, go through the second part of this article as well. In that article, you will learn about the reasons, i.e. why is your page speed is very low? And finally, in the third part, we will learn how to maximize the page speed?